Why Wisdom Teeth Sometimes Need to Come Out

Wisdom teeth were essential in a time when our ancient ancestors consumed a diet heavy in tough foods such as roots and needed the one to four wisdom teeth that erupt through the gums in the late teen or young adult years. Because wisdom teeth are no longer needed in... Read more »

Talk to Your Dentist About Tooth Hazard Prevention

  Dental damage prevention includes being aware of tooth hazards that can pop up on a day-to-day basis. Because your diet plays such a key role in your oral health, they should be the first place you look. Go over all the different foods and drinks that you consume on... Read more »

Quit These Poor Dental Habits for a Healthier Smile

If you practice any of the following dental habits, we encourage you to quit now, as these can negatively impact your oral health: - Eating too much sugar. Eating a lot of candy, drinking large amounts of soda and fruit juice, or chewing sugary gum and foods increases your risk... Read more »

You Need a Dental Checkup Twice Each Year

Maintaining good oral health throughout the course of your life encompasses several key factors. It starts with a consistent oral hygiene routine consisting of brushing your teeth each morning and night as well as making a conscious effort to thoroughly floss at least once each day. It’s also important to... Read more »

Getting Used to Your Dentures

If you have been living with missing teeth for a while or if you are getting a full set of teeth replaced, you will find that dentures may require a period of adjustment. Your dentures may feel bulky at first, and you might need some practice putting them in and... Read more »

Daily Oral Hygiene Tips That Can Help You Fight of Tooth Decay and Oral Hygiene

To win the fight against tooth decay and gum disease--two of the most prevalent oral diseases today--our Wasatch Gentle Dental team in Murray, Utah recommends the following. Our goal is to help you achieve a beautiful smile which starts with a healthy mouth. The most important way to prevent cavities... Read more »

Fall Facts Blog: Bone Grafting

Are you familiar with bone grafting? Bone grafting is a highly effective oral health care procedure that removes a section of bone from one area of your body and places it onto your jawbone through a grafting procedure. It may also be possible to use a special bone grafting material... Read more »

Smile Restorations: Dental Health Tips for Diabetes Patients

Are you aware that over one in ten of all adults in the United States have diabetes? Did you know that diabetes can have negative consequences for your oral health? Fortunately, there are treatments and routines to ensure you maintain optimum oral health and your greatest chance of success for... Read more »

See Your Dentist for an Exam and Cleaning

With so many dental procedures and treatments today, it’s hard to believe only 50 years ago our oral healthcare was limited to post-treatments only after we got an infection or suffering from decay. Finally, dentists realized our teeth needed preventative care in order for them to last for years. This... Read more »

The Causes of Yellow Teeth

Do you have yellow teeth? If so, there might be a few reasons why. It’s best to determine the underlying cause so you can stop the problem and improve the appearance of your teeth. If you don’t stop the problem, your whitening treatments will not help you the way you... Read more »